Day by Day

some pictures i took last week i like:
 cool lighting.
the moon coming home from manhattan.

now: easter at my house, but first, cole.
this is how you look when you fall out of a window.
yes, you heard me right. cole. fell. out. a. window.
don't freak- he's obviously fine. he and i were touching the screen our window well as i tried to explain to him what rain was (it was raining) and the screen popped out and he fell in. facefirst. onto the concrete. had a bump on his head the size of an egg. but he's ok and is playing with his trucks on the keyboard right now.
so, easter-
grilling delecious burgers at at my grandparents house.
and then, easter egg hunting (no one else will pose like cole will)
discarded eggs
an outfit i want a lot in the jcp magazine
told you i ramble.
taking it day by day.

Monday. . . not tuesday

do you ever have one of those days where you go through the whole day thinking it's tuesday? i do. it's monday.

for no other reason (except for the one that he's adorably cute and super wonderful) i decided to do this because my little brother was swinging on his stomach and saying "gracie look!" and this was so cute, i decided to interview him. note- this is a 2 year old and well. . . he's 2
this guy. . . he's a total cheeseball. and the fact that he had a mullet for the first year and a half of his life certainly doesn't change that fact.

What is Your name?

What is your last name?
i don't know.

How do you spell it?

Are you sure?
ummmm. no.

Where do you live? 
here.(proudly points to neighbors bush)
Ok. . .

Where were you born?
here. (again points to bush)

What is your favorite color?
blue. (of course)

What is your favorite food?
i assume he means oranges and try to explain this to him, but he insists that his favorite food is orange.

What is your favorite thing to do? 
ride horses.
cole you've never ridden a horse.
(he points to the red horse swing)
oh right. duh.

Who's your daddy?

What do you like to do?
play cars. and firetrucks.

What do you like to watch?

Which one?
cars the movie.

Do you love your sissies?
yeah. and daddy.
i don't know where that leaves mom, but. . . 

Do you have any questions for me?
(rubs forehead and makes hmmm noises. . .) then excitededly points to and yells "TREE".

i love you buddy.

Feather Necklace

feather necklace(a.k.a random dodads i found around my house necklace):

use about 32 inches of chain and have jump ring open
wrap wire around end of feather, leaving a loop at the end
attach pearls to wire with loops at both ends
i also used a string of beads that fell off an old necklace. attach all to jump ring and close.